Similar TV Themes: Simpsons and the Jetsons
November 9, 2016 11:11 am
Have you ever noticed that certain film and TV themes borrow from earlier successful themes? Here is one example video that shows the relationship between the Simpsons theme and its predecessor, the Jetsons.
#Simpsons, #Jetsons, #TvThemesBlurred Lines - When New Songs Copy Old Songs
November 8, 2016 10:15 am
Theft is one of the few remaining taboos in modern culture. However, when it comes to people stealing ideas, it's often unclear how much intellectual content one artist can take from another before the act constitutes plagiarism.
Philosophers have thrown around the expression that “Good artists copy and great artists steal” but the legal system tends to disagree. During summer of 2015, the American music industry was buzzing over Robin Thicke and Pharrell’s song Blurred Lines. The artists had been in court for a year and half and lost a $7.4 million dollar lawsuit to Marvin Gaye, claiming the lines were not so blurry.
As if the pun were not bad enough, Gaye’s original song was called “Got To Give It Up”. You can listen to the songs back to back in the video above.
They share similar bass guitar rhythms, percussive rhythms that are very similar aesthetically, and an identical tempo. On the other hand, the vocal lines are totally different. Gaye’s track also made use of some keyboard chords and a party ambience that were missing from Blurred Lines.
Here is one more pair of videos, featuring the bands "Fun." and "Simon and Garfunkle".
Start and end time: 0:45 - 1:00
Start and end time: 2:12 - 2:22
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